Bart Heupers Software

New Hugo website

on Feb. 19, 2023, 5:14 p.m.

My website is now running for more than five years. It was originally a Python Django website because I was learning Django at that time. But for such a static website Django is overkill and a waste of resources.

For static websites a website generator is much better, because the HTML pages do not have to be generated every time someone is requesting the page. That is done only once and then a plain webserver can just serve these pages. No database, no UWSGI, just plain Apache or Nginx.

Basically I created and used such a templated website generator more than twenty years ago, but now we have the Hugo website generator with tons of features. For years, I planned to do this migration and now I finally found the time for this.

Migrating was pretty straightforward. Converting the existing HTML from the old website to MarkDown and add some configuration.

The multilingual aspect required some reading, and it took some time to select this beautiful ZEN theme.

But now creating content is not much more than writing some Markdown, run hugo and copy the files to my webserver.

My next plans are to see if I can make this website a little less static and see if I can integrate it with some Javascript and backend (AJAX Is it still called AJAX??) calls. Preferably with some modern Javascript framework.