Bart Heupers Software


New Hugo website

on Feb. 19, 2023, 5:14 p.m. My website is now running for more than five years. It was originally a Python Django website because I was learning Django at that time. But for such a static website Django is overkill and a waste of resources. For static websites a website generator is much better, because the HTML pages do not have to be generated every time someone is requesting the page.

Yubikey for Django

on 11 december 2019 10:44 Security is one of the biggest problems of todays computer and internet usage. Bad passwords, reuse of passwords across sites and keylogging to steal passwords are some of the reasons that people are hacked. “We have had no reported or confirmed account takeovers since implementing security keys at Google”, a spokesperson told TechCrunch. After reading this I decided to start using a hardware security key. The Google Titan hardware key is not available in the Netherlands, and the SOLO key was not yet finished.


RecognizeME on Nov. 6, 2019, 5:21 p.m. For a while I have been looking at automatic face recognition. This is becoming more and more mainstream. When I enter the border of my home country my face is checked against something in my passport, and phones can be unlocked by faces. But it is interesting to know how this works and it would be nice to have some program to test and play with face recognition.

Deze website

De website die je nu leest draait op een Raspberry PI die bij mij thuis in de meterkast staat. Eerst was Het is een Python Django website, met een SQLite3 database. De source voor deze website staat in : Op de Raspberry PI draait een Apache server. Deze gebruikt een Lets Encrypt certificaat om HTTPS mogelijk te maken. De Django module draait met WSGI in deze Apache server. Misschien dat het een probleem wordt als er heel veel bezoekers komen.

How to filter a list

on Sept. 7, 2017, 2:35 p.m. In Java job interviews I often ask how candidates would filter a list of items. Let’s suppose you have list of Integers and you only want to keep the even values. This seems like a simple task but there are some pitfalls. The first thing to be noticed is that if the list is iterated with a for loop it is not possible to change the list while iterating.